A Year of Love: EASE

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Dear Love Seekers,

This month it’s all about EASE.

I kind of find it hilarious that I am starting to write this blog on a day that I find myself not at ease.  I am agitated, scattered and restless.  I am very aware of the unease in this moment.  What better way to know what you want when contrasted to what you don’t want?

Not focusing on what I want (ease) and allowing my energy to focus on the (unease) just created more unease.  So, how do we focus on what we want when the thing we don’t want is right in front of us?

For me it comes down to stopping, being aware of the unease, asking myself what there is to learn from this moment, what would I have been happy to have done in this moment and what could bring ease to this moment?

I don’t mean ease as in easy or taking the easy way out – I mean ease as in releasing the resistance to what is happening.  Releasing the need to make a moment different.  Releasing the need to be right that something or someone else is wrong.  When your blood is boiling, and you want to show everyone that you are right.  STOP.  Just stop and find the ease.

It might mean that you need to vent to someone or write in a journal or go in the closet and scream.

The pathway to ease may not be easy because the first step is admitting that you might be wrong or that you might be judging or stubborn or righteous or something other than you aspire to be.  Get over it – you are human.  This is what humans do.  The longer you fight the unease and try to be right the longer you will be uneasy.

Following the ease is a practice.  It’s a commitment and a value that allows you to continue moving forward.  At any given moment ask yourself -Where is the ease here?  What thought or action is the next step toward ease for me?

The reason I wanted to talk about ease is that I have been on a quest to follow the ease for about 3 years now.  I have incorporated this value in the building of my business, with my relationships, my spiritual growth and my finances.  An integral part of finding the ease for me is being in integrity with what I say I will do and being accountable for my goals and commitments while at the same time having the flexibility to change course.

One of our biggest challenges is allowing ourselves to adapt, change, try new things or change our minds.  We fear being labeled as flakey, unreliable, unstable.  But what if your goal was to follow the ease and not stick with something that you hate.  What if your goal was to allow yourself to change course and that the growth in the change was what was valued more than the ability to grind through and stick with something that no longer interests you?

Hey, I am not saying that you should not stick with a commitment or you should just change your mind and leave people hanging but I am saying that I think it is possible to be responsible, be count-on-able and still be able to change course and follow the ease in your life.

What would I be happy to have done? – Ask yourself that questions whenever you are at a crossroads or when you feel uneasy.  Then listen to the answer.  You will know.


Webster’s dictionary definition of Ease:

Noun – absence of difficulty or effort.  I gave it up with ease.

Verb – make (something unpleasant, painful, or intense) less serious or severe. Doing this eased that up or I eased through life.


Thoughts on Ease:

“If knowledge and foresight are too penetrating and deep, unify them with ease and sincerity.” – Xun Kuang

“With age comes a greater wisdom, an ease and comfort with oneself.” –  Cherie Lunghi

“Minds that are ill at ease are agitated by both hope and fear.” –  Ovid


Please read my January 2019 post for the details of my original idea to intentionally spread love.

Follow my Facebook page www.facebook.com/SusieGolitiCoaching where I will share how it’s going.  Why not post your version of what you want to put out in the world.  Let’s flood the world with LOVE! (Kindness, Joy, Peace, Happiness, Faith and Ease).

If you are you looking for support in creating your life from your intuition, your inspiration, your truth –  Please book a FREE consultation with me to see what may be possible for you.

May your life be filled with more moments of Ease and may that Ease spill over into our world.

In Love, Kindness, Joy, Peace, Happiness, Faith (and Ease),

Susie Goliti (aka Transformation Junkie)