Your wisdom has ALL the answers

Dear fellow life travelers,


I created this banner image before I wrote this blog.  In some ways, I think it says it all, seemingly so simple and yet in practice slippery.  How do we hear our own wisdom?  How do we distinguish between someone else’s wisdom and our own?  For me, it’s practicing listening to my feelings.  Listening to my clear knowing and trusting it – even when everyone or everything around me is trying to tell me otherwise.


I’ve been told I march to my own drummer, that I am a Pollyanna, that I am unrealistic, ungrounded, idealistic, out-of-touch, stupid.  I have also been told I am a visionary, an inspiration, a truth-sayer, grounded, a rock.  I probably am all those things and much more at different times but it’s what I KNOW me to be that matters.  How do we not get influenced by how others label us?  Personally, I don’t think we can’t get influenced – It’s what we do after the label that I what to talk about.


I look at those labels (let’s call them negative for now) in the first list as reflections of the person who said them.  I try to stop to see if there is anything in what they are saying that rings true for me.  Sometimes there is and sometimes there is not, but my work is to stop to look for myself and not get caught up in defending against their position or taking their position as true.  Only I get to say WHO I am for me, for real.


Only you get to say WHO you are!


At this time in history, this seems more important than ever.  As the Black Lives Matter movement escalates, as systemic racism running through our country becomes more and more exposed, we are being called to bring our wisdom forward.  We can no longer accept and regurgitate the “wisdom” of others.  The labels that were created and taught and perpetuated for “others.”  We, especially white people, are being called to wake up to the truth around us.  To cultivate and listen to our true wisdom to find our way toward equality.


True wisdom comes from that place deep inside each of us that connects us to each other.  Connects us to life, nature, the universe.  Connects us to the divine and truth.  This wisdom will never harm us or anyone/anything else.  This wisdom is yours and you are this wisdom.  We are all this wisdom and this wisdom is LOVE.


We are all this wisdom and this wisdom is LOVE.


You may be saying – ok, now I get that Pollyanna label or yeah, but, what about horrible people that do horrible things to others – they can’t have this wisdom.  They can’t be connected to love.  That’s the slippery part.  We can override our true nature (love) over and over and not even know it.  We might even say – that’s just how I am.  But, deep down we are all love so any other story about who you are is believing a label that was either told to you, experienced by you, or taught to you and not filtered through your TRUE wisdom.


STOP believing another person’s truth about you!


Check it out for yourself.  Find ways to get silent and check in with your wisdom.  What you are doing, saying, thinking will all be revealed in your feelings.  Listen to the feeling that feels true.  Listen for the feeling that feels good, solid, yours.  Listen to the feeling that moves toward love.  That is your wisdom.


Listen to the feeling that moves toward love.  That is your wisdom.


As I navigate through my life sometimes, I am very clear and practice listening to my wisdom. Other times, I can override it.  That is what it is to be human.  My goal is to keep noticing and just move toward love.  Move toward a good feeling.  Move toward my wisdom.  Over and over and over again.  Because I know it will be from this place of wisdom/love that I will find my next right action, my next right words, my next right thought – for me.  I am the only person who could ever find it.  I have to keep looking no matter how clumsy, awkward, or alienating it may be to others.  The world needs our TRUTH our LOVE our WISDOM.  The world needs us now.  You need you now.

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“In the wisdom of uncertainty lies the freedom from our past, from the known, from the prison of past conditioning. 

Uncertainty is the fertile ground of creativity and freedom.”

– Deepak Chopra


“Kindness is wisdom.” – Philip James Bailey


“The most certain sign of wisdom is cheerfulness.”

– Michel de Montaigne


“You already have all your answers – just listen”

– Susie Goliti

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