A Year of Love: GRACE

Dear Love Seekers,

Eight months into an intentional year of love and the word that comes up is GRACE.  This word has always conjured up in my mind a certain elegance and it evokes a feeling, a feeling of expansiveness and also quiet comfort.  This image of a thing, a person, a situation that is perfectly in flow with whatever is happening.


Like a big expansive inhale of what is and a deep exhale acceptance of what is not.


It’s the essence of a state of being.  It’s the ultimate measure of being – not doing.  Not so much about having grace but more about being grace.

As this year is progressing, I am noticing the grace in the small things, the little moments almost more than the big moments.  I looked up the dictionary definition of Grace and this is what it said:

  • Noun – simple elegance or refinement of movement. i.e. “she moved through the water with effortless grace” or: courteous goodwill i.e. “at least he has the grace to admit he was wrong.”
  • Verb – do honor or credit to (someone or something) by one’s presence.  i.e. “she bowed out from the sport she has graced for two decades”


Like the flow of big/little – yin/yang – near/far – wide/narrow.  None of those are better than the other until they are put into some context.


Grace to me is context-less.  It’s the tear in your eye when you are filled with love.


Grace is letting things go that are not meant for you.

Grace is going beyond your inclinations of trying to get the upper hand or revenge on someone.

Grace is dealing kindly with others, even if they don’t deserve it.

Grace is dealing kindly with others, even if they don’t know it or will never know it was you.

Grace is hearing criticism and being able to find the lesson or truth in the message without lashing out.

Grace is quietly sitting with grief – yours and others.

Grace is accepting another’s apology.

Grace is asking for forgiveness when you have made a mistake.

Grace is being mindful of the meaning behind your words.

Grace is saying thank you.

Grace is taking an interest in another person and genuinely listening to what they have to say.


Grace as a word has also had a bit of a hijacking (like Faith) from the organized religions.  Growing up I remember hearing that finding God was being in a state of Grace.  Therefore, a state of grace was off-limits until you found God.

Lucky for me I now define God as the connection between you and me and nature and the planets and all living creatures and all living matter, so grace is now available for me too because I have definitely found that connection.  I guess I have found God.


My wish for you is:

The grace of not speaking when there is nothing left to say

The grace of speaking up when a message needs to be heard

The grace of walking away when there is nothing left to be done

The grace of standing firm when there is something to stand firm for

The grace of knowing the grace in you.


Thoughts on Grace:

“We’re all stumbling towards the light with varying degrees of grace at any given moment.”

– Bo Lozoff

“Grace is love that cares and stoops and rescues.” – John R.W. Stott


“I do not at all understand the mystery of grace – only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us.” – Anne Lamott


Please read my January 2019 post for the details of my original idea to intentionally spread love.

Follow my Facebook page www.facebook.com/SusieGolitiCoaching where I will share how it’s going.  Why not post your version of what you want to put out in the world.  Let’s flood the world with LOVE! (Kindness, Joy, Peace, Happiness, Faith, Ease and Grace).

If you are you looking for support in creating your life from your intuition, your inspiration, your truth –  Please book a FREE consultation with me to see what may be possible for you.

May your life be filled with more moments of Grace and may that Grace spill over into our world.

In Love, Kindness, Joy, Peace, Happiness, Faith, Ease (and Grace),

Susie Goliti

(aka Transformation Junkie)