A Year of Love: TRUTH

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Dear Love Seekers,

TRUTH.  What is it?  Why is it so elusive and why should we pursue it?

What is “Truth” in a true sense?  How do we answer that?

What idea of truth do we subscribe to?

“There is no truth.  There is only perception.” – Gustave Flaubert


“We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us.  This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.” – John 4:6


“All truth passes through three stages: First it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed and third it is accepted as being self-evident.” – unknown

I read an article in Philosophy News written by Paul Pardi that spoke a lot about the theory of truth, but this is how he summed it up in a practical sense.

“Most people don’t spend a whole lot of time thinking about what truth is but tend to get by in the world without that understanding. That’s probably because the world seems to impose itself on us rather than being subject to some theory we might come up with about how it has to operate. We all need food, water and shelter, meaning, friendship, and some purpose that compels us to get out of bed in the morning. This is a kind of practical truth that is not subject to the fluidity of philosophical theory.

Even so, we all contend with truth claims on a daily basis. We have to make decisions about what matters. Maybe you’re deeply concerned about politics and what politicians are claiming or what policy should be supported or overturned. Perhaps you care about which athlete should be traded or whether you should eat meat or support the goods produced by a large corporation. You may want to know if God exists and if so, which one. You probably care what your friends or loved ones are saying and whether you can count on them or invest in their relationship. In each of these cases, you will apply a theory of truth whether you realize it or not and so a little reflection on what you think about truth will be important.”

As I ponder for myself the meaning of truth I have to separate the trueness of such things as the sky is blue (blue being an accepted way to describe the look of the sky) and the trueness of what I believe is true based on my perceptions/experiences/learning and free will.

Sure, I subscribe to the universal laws of science and nature that I can witness in a physical way.  That gravity exists because we are not floating off into space.  That when two forces of matter collide there will be damage (car crash).  That when a bullet is fired from a gun at a living being it will cause damage or death.

But what about my truth?  How do we live our truth in a world that wants to tell us what truth is?

How do we navigate Universal truth (law of gravity) with our own Personal truth (a belief that every being has the capacity for good or evil or everything happens for a reason, or nothing ever works out or everything always works out)?

And what about discrepancies in your truth vs. my truth?  The “truth” of God, Buddha or Mohammad or of Nature or Science – is your truth truer than my truth?  How do we sort through all these truths?  How can we coexist and allow your truth and my truth to be true at the same time?

To me, the rules from my niece’s grammar school seem to sum up the potential for us all to be able to navigate this world together and have room for us all to find our truth without destroying the other.  The rules are:

1. Don’t hurt people/beings.

2. Don’t hurt things.

3. Ask if you don’t know.


“To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest.” –  Mohandas Gandhi

The quote from Gandhi above resonates for me because I know that if I am living my life against my beliefs (truths) I suffer.  My body starts to rebel, my energy darkens my thoughts become defeatist/contracting and I just get smaller.

The connection to our bodies gives us the truth. 

If we can quiet our minds and listen to our bodies –

in the stillness –

the way is clear.

We are connected to the whole through our bodies and what is true for me is true for the whole – real natural truth – not cultural, taught, or us vs. them truth – I am talking about the truth that comes to you when you are centered, quiet and connected to nature or spirit.  The truth that can be scary to acknowledge because it may be the exact opposite of what you have been taught or even what you have been striving to follow for decades because you “thought” it was your truth.

I am reading the book Belonging by Toko-pa Turner and she says, “The willingness to rebel from the expected norms, roles, and silent contracts of the establishment comes out of knowing that one cannot afford to build resentment.  Resentment, which comes from the decision to go against one’s truth, embitters the self.”

If I am committed to a life of Peace, Love and Joy then building resentment is the opposite of that commitment.  Throughout my life, I have found my truths (then perhaps learned something new and changed my truths) but the pursuit of knowing and living my truths, to me, is the purpose of my life.

I wish I could sum up the truth with a truth but suffice it to say that I believe (and hold true) that we can all exist on this planet together in harmony.  I know that popular thought and current evidence seems to contradict that as a possibility but when I am quiet and connected to pure source – I see that truth.  At the risk of being called a Pollyanna, flake, dreamer I must own this and express it – I would be living a lie if I didn’t – because this is my truth.

What truths of yours have been living in the shadows (building resentment) for fear of ridicule?


Thoughts on Truth:


“The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.” – Lao Tzu

“Seek not greatness but seek truth and you will find both.” – Horace Mann

“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” – George Orwell

“Seek truth and you will find a path.” – Frank Slaughter

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

– Mark Twain


Please read my January 2019 post for the details of my original idea to intentionally spread love.

Follow my Facebook page www.facebook.com/SusieGolitiCoaching where I will share how it’s going.  Why not post your version of what you want to put out in the world.  Let’s flood the world with LOVE! (Kindness, Joy, Peace, Happiness, Faith, Ease, Grace and Truth).

If you are you looking for support in creating your life from your intuition, your inspiration, your truth –  Please book a FREE consultation with me to see what may be possible for you.

May your life be filled with more moments of Truth and may that Truth spill over into our world.

In Love, Kindness, Joy, Peace, Happiness, Faith, Ease, Grace (and Truth),

Susie Goliti

(aka Transformation Junkie)